
Imagine a form of wellbeing that is independent of external circumstances, that involves a confident, stable, emotionally positive mind, free from mental chatter, anxiety and undue worry.

We call this Deep Wellbeing.

The Odoki Method

… teaches a concise and powerful self-guiding approach inspired by Buddhist insights and made clear by neuroscience.

Work with a guide to learn this method - over eight weeks of 30 minute meetings, you’ll learn simple inquiry techniques that you can apply to your daily life.

Sign up for first meeting

Why Seek Deep Wellbeing?

Alleviate anxiety

Anxiety is the scourge of the modern age. So many aspects of modern life are anxiety producing. However, with an understanding of how the brain works, we can approach, aleviate, and even ultimately erradicate anxiety.

Reduce Self-Judgement

So many of us have runaway minds - forever re-evaluating our actions in the past, rehearsing again and again possible scenarios for the future, regardless of whether this will actually change anything. With Deep Wellbeing, this runaway mind quietens. Self-referential thoughts abate, and the mind becomes a quieter, more pleasant place to dwell.

Relieve Trauma

Trauma is far more prevalent within society than once thought. As a response to difficult events which go unprocessed, clear attention can help these experiences be integrated, and alleviate the disruptive symptoms that trauma brings to our lives.

The Five Stages

1. Regulating

We learn how to stabilise - avoiding highs (e.g. panic) and lows (e.g. shutdown).

2. Sensing

We explore sensing - learning to engage with something we call the “felt sense”. How can we switch from a position of opposition to our unpleasant experience to one of curiosity and kindness?

3. Identity

Learn to reduce, or even eliminate, internal judgemental chatter by exploring the narrative self.

4. Reactivity

Unpack reactivity, separating triggers from responses, to a point where painful responses are no longer needed.

5. Completion

Further inquiries that explore more deeply how we construct our sense of identity.

Find out more

Work with a guide to learn this method - over eight weeks of 30 minute meetings, you’ll learn simple inquiry techniques that you can apply to your daily life.

Sign up for first meeting

The Experience

To see, we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at.

Claude Monet

Claude Monet


A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
