Self in Experience

Self in Experience

This exercise is for Stage 4 of the Odoki Method.

If we can recognise that, for example, a car does not exist aside from its parts, then the car is a concept. That concept is extremely useful (try driving a car without the concept that it is a car!!), but it is still, a concept.

So, we want to explore the same thing, experientially, regarding the self.

If we can accept that the self is an aggregating feature - an amalgamation of the various components of our experience, this is progress, but we need our felt-sense to believe it.

This exercise is designed to help our felt sense come on-board:

  • Close our eyes
  • Identify in experience all the sensory components that make up experience
  • We can check: are they mine? Great if they are
  • Now, if we have more than one thing that is mine, they can’t each be me, or there’d be more than one of me.
  • So we ask, “Can we find this concept of ‘me’ in sensory experience?”
  • And we keep looking. And looking, until we get a simple, straightforward “no” from our felt-sense.