Many People

Many People

This exercise is for Stage 4 of the Odoki Method.

This exercise is designed to be repeated often throughout the day, in the small gaps as we move from one situation to another, be it work to home, meeting to meeting, etc. It could be reading a story to one child, then helping the other with homework. Our lives will likely involve these changes. Or, it could be from sitting in a chair to being in the kitchen to prepare food.

So, as we make one of these transitions:

  • Ask yourself, how was I behaving in (and what am I bringing to) the previous situation?
  • Now ask, how am I behaving in (and what am I bringing to) this new situation?
  • Now compare them. Am I being the same “me” in each, or different?
  • Is whatever we find okay?

At each stage, we explore, am I one, or many people? Am I the same person in each situation I’m in, or am I subtly different, according to each situation?

Repeat this, as often as you can in transitions during your day.