The Car Exercise - Observed

The Car Exercise - Observed

In the Car Exercise we look at how we can begin to deconstruct experience into constituent parts.

Now, we take this deeper, deconstructing our sense of self.

Is our sense of “me” similar to a car, in this example? Does “me” exist outside of a set of raw “me-like” sensations?

  • Notice any sensation in your body.
  • Feel into it.
  • Now look for a fuzzy sense of the “me” that is observing it.
  • Now ask ourselves, if anxiety is like a car, what is it made up of?
  • What sensations can we notice?
  • How many sensations can we notice that make up this sense of “me”?
  • When we have identified a few, we can ask, just as a car does not exist outside its constituent parts, does this “me” exist outside its sensory components?