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A New Beginning

The Odoki Method has been under development for a number of years now, but this has been a part-time effort. As of the beginning of September 2024, this has all changed.

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Guiding Exercises

The Odoki Method is targeted at helping people deepen their wellbeing towards Deep Wellbeing.

To make this effective, it helps to have an effective understanding of how the human mind works.

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A Publicly Available Method

The Odoki Method is a publicly available method, offered to the world free of charge. It aims to provide information for the use of participants who wish to use the method self-led, as well as materials for instructors who wish to use it with their own participants and clients. Such instructors are free to charge for their services - after all, we all need to make a living. There is just one caveat. Instructors are free to use the materials. However, to be able to call it “The Odoki Method” they need to be approved by us. This is simply to ensure that those presenting in the Method’s name, have the necessary experience and background to help others with the inquiries involved.

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Introducing the Odoki Method

The Odoki Method is a new attempt to present something old - something humanity has known of for millenia.

What is different about it then? Well:

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